Loudoun County Parks and Recreation Sports League Activity Code of Conduct
Be courteous to opposing teams and officials;
Play hard and to the limit of his/her ability;
Retain his/her composure and never leave the bench to enter the playing area to engage in unsportsmanlike physical or verbal behavior;
Be modest when successful and be gracious in defeat;
Play for the love of the game;
Respect the integrity and judgement of officials and accept their decisions without question;
Respect the privilege of the use of public facilities.
Will bring only water into the gym.
Maintain high ideals of sportsmanship
Be modest when successful and be gracious in defeat;
Respect the integrity and judgement of officials and accept their decisions without question;
Support all participants without regard of which team is winning;
Maintain composure and refrain from unsportsmanlike physical or verbal behavior.
Will bring only water into the gym.
Penalties for Violating Code Of Conduct
While the individual league holds the responsibility of monitoring and enforcement of individual league rules, the Loudoun County Department of Park, Recreation and Community